
The Dehumanization In Narrative Of Frederick Douglass's Life

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Slavery is an economic arrangement under which individuals are treated as property. Slavery, as dubbed by Frederick Douglass in Narrative of the Life, is immoral because it withholds a human’s basic desire for knowledge. People, regardless of race, have the right to Life, Liberty and Happiness and within that is the quest for knowledge and when this is stalled, a human is thrown into a state of psychological obscurity in which they become bestial. Through this state, a human is shaped into a senseless slave capable of no thoughts other than to serve his master. Although slavery was a dehumanizing process it caused some like Frederick Douglass to begin to assert their own humanity.
From the beginning of Douglass’ narrative he frightens people …show more content…

Hugh’s wife, Sophia, cares for him. Douglass’ first impressions of Sophia are favorable; she is a warm, gentle woman who wishes to teach Douglass to read and write. Douglass himself is startled at how compassionate she is at first, and he mentions that Sophia Auld has never owned slaves before, and therefore has not been affected by the evils of slavery. This event was rather a big one in Douglass’ life because it served as a turning point. This was the first time in Douglass’ life that he met a white face that was actually kind to him as he …show more content…

It was a grand achievement, and I prized it highly. From that moment, I understood the pathway from slavery to freedom. It was just what I wanted, and I got it at a time when I the least expected it. Whilst I was saddened by the thought of losing the aid of my kind mistress, I was gladdened by the invaluable instruction, which, by the merest accident, I had gained from my master. (29)
Douglass describes her transformation towards an inhuman person by portraying her as the victim. Douglass faults the system as a whole rather than the individual slaveholders, who he believes have no choice but to become corrupted by the immoral institution. He doesn’t expect white’s to be nice to people of color and accepts that she will change and turn into a cruel individual like the rest of the white people that Douglass has had to deal with throughout his life. Another instance of the mistreatment of slaves Douglass uses is when he becomes the property of Thomas Auld, the former husband of Captain Anthony’s daughter, Lucretia. While Thomas does not experience a change from benevolent to unpleasant, as Sophia did, Douglass still points out that his cruel and inconsistent treatment of his slaves is due to the fact that he was not born into the system of

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