
The Delicate Balance Between Innocence And Experience

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The Delicate Balance between Innocence and Experience William Blake’s “The Chimney Sweeper” in his Songs of Innocence is a literary masterpiece that is still relevant and impactful in the modern world. In lovely form and description, Blake explains the atrocities and hardships of the Industrial Age in a poem suitable for school-age children and with the beautiful simplicity that only a writer like Blake could produce. The Songs of Innocence is a look into the purity and wonderful outlook on life that children usually have. While in its counterpart, the Songs of Experience, Blake uses adults as protagonist. The Songs of Experience is a look at the effects that hardships and failures have on adults, therefore having a pessimistic outlook toward life. In his these two works, Blake produces a parallel universe between childhood and adulthood where the optimism of dreams of childhood and the bitterness and stagnation of adulthood never seem to know one another. The narrator in “The Chimney Sweeper” is a young school-age boy, who never tells the reader his name, which speaks of the selflessness of child. In the first stanza, the boy tells his brief life story and about his mother’s death that leads to his father selling him into slavery. In the rest of the poem, the boy tells the reader about the brutal conditions of slavery that he and his peers must endure. Specifically, the boy tells the readers about Tom Dacre, a boy who is struggling with the misery of working endless

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