
The Democracy of the Market

Decent Essays

The democracy of the market is no more the democracy that Plato spoke off in his Republic (c. 370 BC) as "a charming form of government, full of variety and disorder, and dispensing a kind of equality to equals and unequal alike," or Aristotle in his hyperbole (c. 322 BC) condemn as "when put to the strain, grows weak, and is supplanted by oligarchy." Also which George Bernard Shaw taxed in his Maxims for Revolutionists (1903) as substituting "election by the incompetent many for appointment by the corrupt few," not that, Hans Hermann Hoppe reveal in his democracy The God That Failed (Transaction, 2001, p. 96) that "majorities of ‘have nots’ will relentlessly try to enrich themselves at the expense of the ‘haves’. Look how Ludwig Mises light up a near remote yet strongly impressive daily democracy. In addition, to give a relevance to this topic, defining framework within which present mainstream democracy is contained and hundreds of items and books written on democracy and almost nearly all speculate a western style system which is a harmonious relationship between markets and democratic system. This brings to, confined functionalist point of view of democracy which overlook strong material and hegemonic forces that serve to undermine democracy and most importantly theory of people power.
Looking into Cuban democracy, 1959 where Cuba’s revolution began and the era where distortions of democracy, dictatorship and the autocratic influence of foreign powers on society and the

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