
The Development of My Love for Literacy Essay

Decent Essays

Reading has been one of my favorite hobbies since I was a little child. I grew up as a normal child should grow and eventually I had to start learning for me to fit in society. My literacy started many years ago, after I knew how to talk and communicate with people. Reading my alphabet was quite stressful and I had to be given a hand by my family members. I remember my parents reading with me and it was the most meaningful and memorable way to spend time with me. This is because I liked reading a lot and I was eager to learn so that I could fit in with my older siblings. My favorite books were storybooks taking about adventures and fairytales since they created fantasizes for me (Rodriguez 16). My parents read the stories aloud for me to …show more content…

This made it possible for me to venture into new devices of learning how to read (Richter 21). One thing I would want was parents and teachers to emphasize the reading of storybooks and novels depending on the age of the child. At home, I extended time in the evening to do assignments. I also gave myself extra work, which turned out to be effective in my studies. I took advantage of the billboards in school, and in town to read whatever information was contained in them. I was brought up as a Muslim and I had to attend mosque. I sometimes had to read the Quran before I starting to pray. This meant that I had to practice reading the Quran twice a week at less. Sometimes I read fluently that I memorized myself. My love for science also contributed greatly to my learning since out of my urge to know more about the world and everything made or discovered by science, I visited various libraries. Just like all other schools, we had our parent’s day. This is the day parents come to know how their children are performing in school and usually many activities take place on that day, one being giving speeches. As I was a senior prefect, it was my duty to give the speeches most of the time. I had to read it clearly so as not to shame our teachers. The passion of reading is still fresh in me. Not a day passes without me reading a magazine or a novel, and that is the least

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