Most people think that sadness and depression are terms refer to the same emotional disorder level. In fact, sadness is the behavior that occurs as a result of facing some difficulties in our daily life and it is usually continues for a couple of days. While depression is a serious mental illness that happen due to the continual feeling of sadness that persist for weeks, months and even years. Depression can affect people from all ages, in 1975, the National Institute of Mental Health announced that depression is no longer considered “an adult disease,” it can also affect people at young age. Depression among children is very common in the recent years , according to the National Comorbidity Survey examination in 2010, the depressive …show more content…
The three types of depression are sharing the same symptoms as well as same impacts on the child life both academically and socially. At young age, depression' symptoms usually unobvious to diagnosed because it typically starts with a change in the child behavior; the parents may perceive that as a normal feeling due to some problems at school or with friends. But after that, the symptoms become more serious when the child experiences new uncontrolled feelings which lead him/her to withdrawal from friends and family, and lose the interest and motivations in things used to be enjoyable. Furthermore, the child may face difficulties in sleeping, eating, and concentrating on schoolwork. These symptoms have a major influence on the child self-esteem, performance at school, and on the relationship with friends and parents, more serious, the child may start to think of self-harm acts, substance abuse and suicidal. The causes that may lead the child to depression can be due to personal problems. The physical and emotional status of the children mainly depends on the family environment in which they live. Because the parents have irreplaceable role in their children's life, the divorce’ issue that exposure the children to unhealthy family situations can lead them to fall into depression. According to Erin Schreiner, children of divorced parents are more prone to develop anxiety issues and avoid social
Another mental health problem a child can develop is depression. A child with depression may be sad more often than not, feel guilty or helpless, and may lose interest in pleasurable things or things they previously enjoyed. Other mental health issues that may arise from the divorce of the child’s parents are antisocial behavior and hyperactivity (Strohscein, 2012).
Many experts on divorce and the effects on children agree that the actual separation of parents may not be the leading factor in depression. Robert Aseltine explains, "Divorce is seen as setting off a chain of negative events and transitions that are causally related to youths' psychological distress and may be more potent stressors than the physical separation of parents" (134). My personal experience has shown that money does not last as long when only one income supports the same number of children as two incomes previously supported. Aseltine concurs by stating, "Economic hardship is thought to play a prominent role in explaining children's distress Disrupted families generally experience dramatic declines in standard of living " (134). When any person goes from one standard of living to a substantially lesser standard of living in a short amount of time they will have emotional stresses that will be difficult to deal with. This will cause great stresses in their lives creating barriers toward success. Financial situations are not always the main stress factor in depression among children of divorced parents.
Depression in children stem from a variety of factors relating to health, history, life events, genetic vulnerabilities, family history, and biochemical imbalances. Every individual shows different symptoms when suffering from depression; however, these symptoms interfere with the child’s daily living at school and home. Psychotherapy and medication are the most common treatments for children with depression (Depression in
Depression is defined as a mental illness in which a person is experiencing deep sadness and loneliness. It is known as one of the most common mental illnesses and it affects all kinds of people, regardless of sex, age and religion. Many people are not aware that depression is not only diagnosed in adults, but in children and adolescents as well. Therefore, there is a debate about whether children suffering from depression should be allowed to take antidepressants. Antidepressant drugs should be prescribed for children suffering from depression under the conditions of doctors limiting the medication, including therapy and having the parents informed/educated.
Depression is the most common mental disorder, not only for adults, but for children and teenagers as well. The DSM-IV classifies depression as a mood disorder. It states that an individual has suffered a “major depressive episode” if certain symptoms persist for at least two weeks, including a loss of enjoyment in previously pleasurable activities, a sad or irritable mood, a significant change in weight or appetite, problems sleeping or concentrating, and feelings of worthlessness. These symptoms of depression fall into four categories: mood, cognitive, behavioral, and physical. Depression affects how individuals feel, think, behave, and how their bodies work. People with depression may experience symptoms in any or all of the
Number of factors is thought to be associated with onset pens course of major depression in Children and adolescents deck and may include genetic biological environment all psychological factors. Risk factors in string fluid presence or anxiety irritability aDHD problems distortions affect. Dr. Olson clothes negative life events and exposure to abuse bullying pierce victimization victimization
The researchers (Reising, et al., 2013) demonstrated parents who suffered from depression as well as financial hardship did not have a great relationship with their children impacting their psychopathology internally and externally. Thus (Reising, et al., 2013) revealed there are countless children living in the United States surrounded by triggers that may direct them to apprehension, for instance, parents who have suffered or are still suffering from compulsive dejection, financial economic hardship, and parents who are neglectful are a few characteristics that can and may influence children and adolescent to stress leading them to behave in a manner that is not aligned with their community. The following research article are in accordance with the previous literature review relating to parental stress and depression does have an influence on children’s behavior:
Depression is another concern for children who have experienced divorce. Children are more likely to suffer from depression if their parents are split than if they are still together (Fox 2001). Depression affects the way a child acts in daily life. Children from divorced houses are more likely to suffer from some form of depression or another than those from married families (Doherty et al. 1989, as cited in Fox 2001). Fox 2001 studies the effect divorce has on children by a survey given to 118 students ranging in ages 18-25. The survey includes True of False questions on their ?attitudes, opinions, interests, and other characteristics regarding the divorce that affected them (Fox 2001).? This study found that 26% of the students surveyed needed some kind of counseling regarding depression post divorce (Fox 2001). Separation of parents can have extremely harmful and lasting affects involving depression. Divorce negatively affects a child?s psyche and makes them more depressed.
Until recently depression in children and adolescents had not received a great deal of attention. Increasing interest can probably be traced to a number of influences.
Depression has numerous causes and effects which affect not only the person but the people around them. Depression doesn’t have a specific cause; in most cases it’s different for everyone. It is a common, treatable mental illness that can be experienced at any time in life. It is often described with feeling sad, unhappy, miserable, or “down in the dumps”. Most people have these feelings on occasion. There are several types of depression. These different types of depression describe slight, but often important, diagnostic differences. True clinical depression interferes with mood disorder in everyday life for weeks, months, or even years. Most people think depression affects only one
Divorce is one of the most common happenings in the world experienced by children. Most children go through different adjustments to become comfortable with the fact that their parents are not together anymore. Children of divorced parents are prone to lifelong effects. Seventy-five to eighty percent of children have divorced parents and twenty-five percent of those children have serious social, emotional, or psychological problems for the rest of their life. Most adults think that it is best for parents to stay together for the sake of their child because having two parents in different households can become difficult for the child socially and academically.
Another important key factor to children recovering is equal parenting. Children in their pre-teens understand the reason for divorce. Therefore, they have a tendency to compromise with their parents’ needs as much as possible. If there is an equal amount of bonding time then children do not feel pressured to choose. As a result, this helps relax the child and decreases conflict with the family. Having a time to bond helps specialize the time spent during visiting hours. The two can completely focus on each other and lead to eliminating the feeling of abandonment and creates a stronger bond between the family. In the article “Equal Parenting and the Quality of Parent-Child Attachments,” Edward Kruk explains that “The highest rate of depression
Sadness is how the human being reacts to the loss of a loved one, the struggles of life, the disappointments, and the frustrations. Although it is a normal feeling in all these situations, there is a broad difference between being sad and being depressed. Unlike normal feelings of sadness, depression overwhelms a person, last a long time, and interferes with his or her day-to-day life. According to the World Health Organization in 2010, depression was reported as the most common mental disorder; it affects 120 million people globally and is among the leading causes of disability. The person that suffers from depression has to deal with being misunderstood and under-diagnosed on a daily basis, which leaves the patient with physical,
To begin with, let us make clear what is depression. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, depression is described as a serious mental disorder in which a person suffers long time of sadness, loneliness, and other negative feelings. Depression affects how you feel about yourself such as lack of energy and concentration, lose interest in work and hobbies, and have trouble of insomnia. Depression makes life more and more difficult and dispirited. More importantly, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), major depression is the leading cause of mental disorder for people in the United States aged 15 to 44. Recent estimates show that about 10 to 15% of children and teens experience depression at
Depression a word we’re familiar with especially when it comes to adults, we know adults get depress and we understand the reasons, with the high demands in life it’s not uncommon to get lost in the shuffle. Depression in adult is something we have known for many years, but what has surprised many of us is that adolescents also get depressed. I myself still don’t fully understand the reasons why or how this happens. I see it very often adolescent coming in to the ER because they are depressed and want to hurt themselves, and each and every single time I’m shock. What could be so bad in their lives that would make them think they have no way out? This is the reason why I choice this topic, I want to learn more of how this disease affects so many children and teens and what we can do to stop it.