
The Differences Of Alexander Hamilton And Thomas Jefferson's Political Beliefs

Decent Essays

In a country founded on the principle of one’s right to express their opinion, there have been few with as polarizing opinions as Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson. These founding fathers each had viewpoints that have remained ingrained in our political system to this day. Hamilton’s desire to increase governmental power, and Jefferson’s to keep power in the hands of the populace. It was these beliefs that led to them forming the United States first two political parties, the Federalists and the Democratic-Republican party. Despite their difference of opinions both wanted one thing, the success of the United States. The first major event that highlighted Hamilton and Jefferson’s differences was the Constitutional Convention. …show more content…

Therefore, they would be more capable of looking after the wellbeing of the nation. Hamilton also argued that there was not a need for two bodies of legislature because having two bodies within the legislative branch had not been successful in New York, and that the checks between the branches of government would be sufficient (p. 21). Ultimately, Hamilton would have preferred a more powerful national government than that finalized by the constitutional convention, yet he still supported the final document and was a key component of its ratification (p. 22). Jefferson, although not present at the convention, agreed with the organization of government in the document they had drafted. However, he had two major concerns with the proposed constitution, the omission of a Bill of Rights and “the necessity of rotation in office” (p. 23). Jefferson believed that a Bill of Rights was essential to clearly detail securities that a government should be obligated to provide fairness to its citizens. Jefferson also viewed “rotation in office” as a necessity. He argued that based upon past experiences the first elected official would continue to be reelected once in office (p. 23). He saw it as a problem because if it became common for officials to stay in office it would provide incentive for foreign powers to interfere with U.S. affairs. Both objections support Jefferson’s principle that,

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