
The Dilemma Of Scientific Demarcation. Science Has A Textbook

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The Dilemma of Scientific Demarcation Science has a textbook definition, a vague definition. “Practical and intellectual interest, through logical study of structure and behavior of the physical and natural world, through observations and experimentation.” Pseudoscience entertains an ambiguous definition as well. “claims that are presented as scientific, but deemed erroneous by the scientific method.” For a consensus to be reached on a definitive criterion of demarcation is possible, but not plausible. This paper will make the claim that one inference of demarcation is not trustable, but to comprehend various contentions that are thoroughly linked on the trial of science versus pseudoscience. If there was a conclusive way to describe …show more content…

Einstein proposed a theory, just as the other three, based on observations and a sequence of logic that is supposed to explain an occurrence and/or occurrences. Einstein’s theory of gravitation perfectly fulfills Popper’s falsifiability criteria of science. Popper uses Einstein’s theory because of the great risk in proposing this theory compiled with the probability of refutation.
Popper proposed seven conclusions on his criterion of falsifiability. The first conclusion asks how easily a theory can acquire confirmations. Second, acquired confirmations should only be considered if the original prediction is measured as risky. Third, all “good” scientific theories, exclude something from happening. Fourth, a theory that cannot be refuted by any event cannot be contemplated as scientific. Fifth, stated by Popper, “testability is falsifiability” the more testable a theory is the greater risk involved in proposing and maintaining the theory. Sixth, evidence that can confirm a theory should only be considered if it is a “genuine test of the theory.” Lastly, interpreting a theory as a non-general, “ad hoc” lowers the scientific status of a theory (9).
Kuhn’s criterion of science practically opposes Popper’s notion of falsifiability. Kuhn’s idea of science reduces to two categories: puzzle-solving, normal science and revolutionary science. Popper proposes and interesting and bold conception with just one inference, Kuhn states that

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