
The Dilemma of Transgender Bathroom Use

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The Dilemma of Transgender Bathroom Use
There are many individuals who do not know about the increasingly common identity known as transgender. Transgender is a term that describes a person who identifies as the sex opposite of what is stated on their birth certificate. Also, a numerous amount of people don 't recognize the growing population of individuals who are gender-nonconforming, which means they identify themselves as neither man nor woman. To a large sum of transgender people life is the equivalent of being trapped in a cage, a cage that is your own body. They struggle daily with being reminded of the identity society labels them as and not the identity they envision themselves to be. Even within the LGBT community, they are in …show more content…

But in other places, restroom access based on gender identity is “an evolving area of the law,” said Chris Daley, executive director of the Transgender Law Center. Masen Davis, another executive director of the Transgender Law Center and writer of “Transgender People Need Safe Restrooms” in the Huffpost Gay Voices, emphasizes that transgender people need access to safe restrooms. Davis stresses that their helplines receive 2,500 requests each year. The Transgender Law Center receives calls from people who have been attacked in public restrooms such as the mall or grocery store. The individuals calling these helplines are employees and students who are denied restroom access in accordance to their gender identity Davis informs us that Jody L. Herman, the Williams Institute Manager of Transgender Research, has recently released “Gendered Restrooms and Minority Stress: The Public Regulation of Gender and Its Impact on transgender People’s Lives”. This scientific study conducted by Herman and other colleagues confirmed that 70 percent of transgender and individuals who do not identify with either gender have experienced problems in gender-specific restrooms in Washington, D.C. This study also shows that transgender people of color and individuals that have not medically transitioned received the most problems. Davis interprets the following information found in “Gendered Restrooms and Minority Stress: The Public

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