
The Discovery Of Antarctica 's Subglacial Lakes

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Antarctica is one of the coldest and darkest environments on Earth. Below these Antarctic ice sheets lay some of the largest subglacial lakes and it is within these lakes that scientists believe contain some of the most unique microbial ecosystems on earth. Antarctica’s subglacial lakes are some of the most oligotrophic, or nutrient deficient places on the planet (Karl et al, (1999). It is this scarce landscape that inherently affects the organisms that are present. Significant research has been undertaken by scientists to better understand the physical processes of how these subglacial lakes are created, and how this then affects the hydrology of these lakes. The amount and type of life that is said to live in these lakes is determined by the hydrology that occurs as a result of the various physical processes. Both biodiversity and biomass with respect to the types and amounts of organisms present is restricted due to the amount of ice depth and the lack of nutrients for these organisms like archaea, bacteria and viruses. Subglacial lakes are formed and maintained through a number of physical processes that affect the biota assumed to be present in these lakes. One process that maintains these lakes is geothermal heating (Siegert et al, (2003), this is when the Earth’s heat melts the basal ice sheet and thus creates a lake basin where organisms can possibly exist. This heat is beneficial for some organisms as it actually releases chemicals such as iron and methane for

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