
The Dressmakers Of Khair Khana

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In the United States, childhood is a relatively carefree time in which children are expected to have time to play and to receive care from adults. In other societies, like the one in Anchee Min’s memoir Red Azalea and Gayle Tzemach Lemmon’s book The Dressmakers Of Khair Khana, one can see how Min and Kamila become strong, independent, leaders at a young. Ultimately both women learn to work around their society’s social issues to survive. I find the life stories of these women to be very unique, because of their efforts and attitudes of surviving and never complaining about their given responsibilities. Therefore, Min and Kamila’s families depended on them because they were perceived as brave, mature, and smart young women.
The Dressmakers Of Khair Khana, took place during the 1990’s when the Taliban’s took over Kabul, Afghanistan and reconstructed the whole government. Due to many of the changes made by the Taliban’s many had to flee and find safety, including Kamila’s parents and older brother. Since there was no one superior to Kamila she had to take the responsibilities of an adult, and become the leader of her family. On page 38, we see how Kamila assimilates the conversation she had with her father before he fled to Parwan. It states, “All night long Kamila thought of his words. He was counting on her. And so were her sisters. She had to find a way to take care of her family” (Lemmon 38). This demonstrates how Mr. Sidiqi left Kamila in control of the household, and

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