
The Driving Force Of Religion

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The Driving Force of Religion In the earliest civilizations of the West, the influence of religion was crucial in establishing key elements of government and developing distinct cultures. Sacred texts showed rules and stipulations to abide by, just to keep the god’s wrath at bay. The world’s greatest temples were built in homage to those gods as thanks from the early peoples, for having shone them the way of righteous living. A god could also dictate where an army waged war and what lands a civilization should conquer in their holy name. The conquests of such wars built strong empires, which allowed the spread and adaptation of the same driving force that made the civilization what it was: religion. For early civilizations, safety was steadily connected with the gods. Failure to appease the higher power led to poor crop yields and natural disasters like floods. In order to please the gods and avoid such catastrophes, rules were founded for a honorable way of life. The first of it’s kind was the Hammurabi Code. The king Hammurabi had his strict laws and punishments written as a way to show Shamash that the king himself was to supply justice in the sun god’s stead. These regulations of behavior are present in the modern world, the Code being the earliest form of capital and corporal punishment. The ancient Egyptians also had set protocol when they dealt with the gods. When one died, their heart was weighed against the feather of truth. If the heart was lighter than the

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