
The Drug Called Cialis And Its Effects On Erectile Dysfunction

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Clinical Background
The drug called Cialis was originally founded by the company called Glaxo Wellcome, more commonly known as GlaxoSmithKline, which was established as a partnership between Glaxo and ICOS to develop new drugs in August 1991. In 1998, ICOS Corporation and the Eli Lilly and Company formed the Lilly ICOS, LLC to further develop and commercialize tadalafil (Cialis) as a treatment for ED (Erectile Dysfunction). The Eli Lilly and Company had made long strides in the drug industry as ICOS began to fall behind and in 2007, the Eli Lilly and Company bought the ICOS Corporation for 2.3 Billion dollars1.
In December 2003, the Food and Drug Administration approved tadalafil as Cialis for sale in the United States1. This would make Cialis the third prescription drug pill to treat erectile dysfunction after Viagra and Levitra. In 1993, ICOS Corporation began studying compound IC351, a phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) enzyme inhibitor. In 1994, Pfizer scientists discovered that sildenafil citrate, which also inhibits the PDE5 enzyme, caused penile erection in men participating in a clinical study of a heart medicine1. In 1994 ICOS received a patent for compound IC3511. In 1995 phase one of the clinical trials began, and then in 1997 phase two of the clinical trials began that were initiated for men experiencing ED, which then progressed to phase three that was intended to support the drugs FDA approval. In 2000, Lilly ICOS, LLC, filed a New Drug Application with the FDA

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