
The Dualists Essay

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The infinite theoretical duel between the duality of our mind and body by philosophers has been one that has been replete with a magnitude of different philosophical theories that try to posit our existentiality. Consequently, these theorists try to find the answers to the causality of how the mind and the brain truly interact: Are we our synapses, or are we something more than that? However, one theory that has been of interest to many recent scientists and philosophers alike is one that has been around since its conception by a famous mathematician and philosopher named Rene Descartes. This theory is called substance dualism; and accordingly, this theory tries to solve the mystery of how these two complex disparate entities can …show more content…

However, one theory that I find particularly helpful is one that is from the Cartesian dualistic mentality; however, it branches of into its own direction and creates a plausible theory that I hope will help open doors to many more answers to the mystery of our experiential existence. According to Dr. Jeffrey M. Schwartz, Henry P. Stapp, and Mario Beauregard, who are researchers in the field of neuroscience and quantum physics, the mind creates a causative effect through the brains’ neural-mechanism—thus through material matter—and this in turn creates an interaction. Consequently, these interactions—call it volition if you will—affect the atoms, matter and molecules of our material existence. Consequently, only through quantum physics can one know how these substances comingle with each other to create a seamless interaction that can either have positive or negative consequences to our existence. In philosophical terms, this theory also pertains to our experiential existence; thus, it has implications for our day-to-day life (2). Classical physics mainly deals with formulas and sets of equations that describe our world in macromolecular terms; however, quantum physics is concerned with the more intimate aspects of casual

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