
The Ebolic Ebola Virus

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Our world is currently facing a deadly epidemic which we are calling it a very dangerous viruses that humanity is facing since HIV/AIDS. This virus is called the Ebola hemorrhagic virus. Although there were broadcasts about tentative cures that were conveyed to be prosperous with treating the virus, people all around the world remain to pass on from Ebola. Although this virus is fatal, its signs are occasionally the same as other less dangerous diseases like the flu or a fever. To relax your anxiety about the spreading of the virus, it is very important to know what people are currently dealing with when it comes to this sad epidemic. On the banks of the Ebola River in 1976, Ebola was first revealed first in Africa. There are two types of the virus some are deadly and some are not. There were only two ways to know who had this virus. Hence there were multiple strains of it. …show more content…

According to (CDC) it has been reported to happen between the eight and tenth day of contagion. Amongst the warning signs that show within the first opportunity, you are advised to mention any fevers, and chills, accompanied with strong headaches, pain in the joints and or muscles, and just general weakness all around. These are no different from the symptoms those usually may experience when catching a severe cold, or flu, so people may ignore these signs and symptoms and proceed to treat them as if a common cold or sickness. Once the virus continue developing, you may then develop other symptoms such as nausea with vomiting, diarrhea, chest pains, stomach pains, red eyes and rash over the body, severe weight loss, and bleeding from almost all bodily openings according to (Mayo

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