
The Education Of An Oncologist

Good Essays

Education of an Oncologist

What I Already Know

Cancer, or as some people call it “the C word” affects entirely too many people in this world. Hearing about the disease really hits home for me. My great aunt died this past winter from pancreatic cancer. Once she was diagnosed, she only had about one month of life left before she passed. During that month, I watched her wither away as cancer took over her entire body. I hated seeing her suffer, but I also found a very deep interest in the cancer that had spread so quickly throughout her body. At this point, I realized I displayed a strong interest in the field of medicine, and specifically, cancer. This led me to search professions dealing with cancer. In that research, I found the …show more content…

What I Want to Know

I chose to do this paper on oncologists hoping to learn more about the profession. Since this is a profession that I am considering, there is a lot of information I would like to find out. Although, if I put everything I wanted to know about the profession in this paper, it would probably never end. That is why I am going to focus in on the education necessary to become an oncologist. Since before I can become a medical oncologist I will have to attend many years of schooling. I would like to learn more about the schooling to become an oncologist. I plan to research what all I must do in college to get my medical license in oncology. Everything from the undergraduate schooling to the application process and interviews for medical school, and how to get my medical license when finished with all the schooling.

The Search

My search began on the internet trying to find out if there was going to be enough information to write this paper. At first, I was very worried but as I kept scrolling through google, I found endless pages of information about the profession of an oncologist. I found all types of information about oncologists. I actually found out that just doing a paper on the profession of oncology was not going to work. I had to narrow my topic down to the education requirements necessary to become an oncologist. There was just too much information about oncologists for

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