
The Education Of The Civil Rights Act

Decent Essays

Under the Civil Rights Act, schools are responsible for ensuring that all students receive equal access to education, including English Language Learners (ELLs). Merely, providing the same educational resources for all students does not constitute educational equality. Students such as ELLs, need an English Language Development (ELD) program that accommodates their specific language needs in order to legitimately offer equal educational opportunities. Based on research findings, districts need to implement and developing ELD programs that have had proven success rates of making adequate yearly progress for ELLs. For years, psychologists and linguistic theorists have speculated on the acquisition of language and educators have studied these research findings to enhance their teaching pedagogy to accommodate their ELLs. Skinner’s Behaviorist Model proposes that individuals learn language by imitation and as a direct response to positive or negative stimuli. Bruner’s Interactionist Theory, states that children can only acquire language by interacting with other people. Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development Theory also parallels the previous theories and refers that what one knows and could know is influenced by the assistance of others. ‘Bronfenbrenner believed that a person 's development was affected by everything in their surrounding environment” ("", 2016). A commonality in the all of these theories is that input is a key factor for the development of

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