
What It Takes For English Learners?

Decent Essays

“What it takes for English Learners to Succeed?” is an article written by Jana Echevarria, Nancy Frey, and Doug Fisher that illustrate concepts that will allow English Learners to become fluent in English. The purpose of this article is to discuss four accessible teaching practices that will allow English Learners in U.S. classroom to become academically successful and attain fluency in English. To clarify, the authors use access, climate, expectations, and language instruction as the practices that will eliminate education inequality and enable students to be able to fully participate in rigorous course work without excluding English Learners. Ultimately this provides an approachable school reform, creates additive integration of multicultural perspective and approach and lastly brings a way for language diversity to be seen in the classroom.
The four effective practices are interdependent to one another. These concepts are the key points that provide a solution in helping English learners become fluent English speakers and be able to understand difficult lessons and high standards. The first strategy the article points out is Access, and it is used more frequently than the others. Echevarria and colleagues (2015) demonstrate that when teachers use differentiated teaching strategies, it will allow students to understand the concepts being taught more easily. For example, using multimedia to provide visual learning along with listening to the teacher can help with learning,

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