
The Effect Of Racial Bias In To Kill A Mockingbird

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The Effect of Racial Bias in To Kill a Mockingbird
Even though the legal mandates of the Jim Crow laws and the like are long past in American history, the detrimental effects of racism lives on in our society. In current American courts, a darker complexion leaves you more likely to get a longer prison sentence than your lighter skinned counterparts. (Reference 1) The novel “To Kill a Mockingbird” Harper Lee follows the town banter surrounding a case involving Tom Robinson, a black man accused of rape by a white family. Scout, the daughter of Tom’s lawyer, learns the truth about society and how things wouldn’t turn out as fair as she had hoped. Though his innocence is profound, Tom is inevitably pronounced guilty of the crime and eventually killed in a dispute. Throughout the story, Lee uses the conflict of Tom’s court case, and the dialogue of the town in order to convey the idea that forming biases based on race is detrimental in that it leads to judiciary and social injustice.
Fistly, it must be established that the primarily white town of Maycomb does indeed have a racial bias against blacks. The general attitude of the town is clear: whites are superior to blacks. This can be seen by the language and dialogue that the town uses to describe Atticus and Tom, as Atticus is commonly said to be defending ‘niggers’. “[Cecil Jacobs] had announced in the schoolyard Friday the day before that Scout Finch’s daddy defended niggers.” (99) Later, Mrs. Dubose repeats such a statement

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