
The Effects Of Alcoholism On The American Society

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The prominence of alcoholism in the American society dates back to before Puritan settlement. As a result, to prevent the social destruction of our nation, the government began regulating the substance. The efforts resulted in an amendment to the United States Constitution preventing the consumption of alcohol. After public backlash, bootlegging, and homemade toxins appeared more problematic, the amendment was overridden. During the period following the repeal of prohibition the states were each given the task to assign minimal drinking ages for their state; however, this was not the correct decision. While federalism is great, the inconsistency between varying states was not working. This was a catalyst for the federal government establishing 21 as the National minimum drinking age. While President Reagan and his administration saw the drastic effects alcohol has on society, some people disagree. Morris Chafetz, an appointed member of the Presidential Commission on Drunk Driving, was one of the members that voted for the raise in the legal drinking age. Since 1982, where he proposed recommendations for President Regan as chair of the Education and Prevention Committee, he has had an epiphany. An essay written by Morris Chafetz “The 21-Year-Old Drinking Age: I Voted for It’ It Doesn’t Work” presents a changed perceptive. He now believes the legal drinking age should be lowered. While the information provided demonstrates a strong ethos for lowering the age, the author fails

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