
The Effects Of Bear On Crispin

Decent Essays

Bear impacts Crispin in many ways, whether it be by teaching him new skills, introducing him to new viewpoints, or altering his appearance and outlook on life. Due to this, Crispin has changed and become more confident in himself. For example, Bear aids Crispin in changing how he looks in the eyes of others. “‘Now look at yourself again,’ he said when he was done. ‘What do you see now?’ I considered my reflection anew. ‘Are you different?’ he said. ‘A little,’ I said. ‘And that was only water and a blade. Think what you might become if you were cleansed of thirteen years of dirt, neglect, and servitude’” (119). Bear helps Crispin wash his face and cut his hair. This successfully rids Crispin of the filth that reminds him of his days spent working tirelessly; the filth that reminds him of …show more content…

This is Crispin’s chance to move on from the past thirteen years of sadness and become a more confident, happy person. Along with changing Crispin physically, Bear helps Crispin mentally by making him feel that he has a place in the world. “‘But it’s they who matter, not me.’ ‘Then I shall make you matter,’ he said. ‘I’ll teach you music’” (121). Crispin spent his whole life feeling that others were more important than him. He thought that because of his low ranking in the feudal system, he was doing no one any good and had no true purpose. Bear helps him realize that if he can learn a skill, even something as small as music, he will matter to others. Crispin gains confidence from this newfound knowledge, and the fact that Bear takes the time to teach him makes it clear that Crispin finally has someone who cares. He learns that he does have a place. Keeping his promise, Bear does end up teaching him how to perform music, and very well. “Bear said I grew better, even suggesting I might have skills. He continued to teach me more melodies, and once, I juggled while he

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