
The Effects Of Body Discourses On The Body Of Body

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Certainly, the images and body discourses provide a big burden to the interviewees. Not only does the bombardment of body images and discourses in media deliver the social pressure to the interviewees, but also the fragmented images of the idealized body that situates them into indefinite assessments exhaust them. Some of the respondents criticized that the current fashion of body discourses is too idealized and standardized without consideration of individuals’ differences in physical traits. However such criticisms ended up their express of fatigue, which just aggravates the individual’s stress. The interviewees showed their fatigue from being exposed to too many requests to keep their body healthy and sexy, for example, some of them evinced their burnout states and giving up their diet or workout. However even for those who stated they gave up their body management and do not exercise, I could find the profound voyeuristic pleasure from their gaze toward the fragmented body images and desire to have the suggested body parts. The ambivalent attitudes that they refuse to practice the body discourses but wish to have the crystallized form of body discourses within their body eventually yield a feel of stress and irritation during or after their watching the images. The stress and irritation on the images or exercises and, as their consequence, a feel of guilt cannot be dismissed. The emotional affections that the respondents showed demonstrate the state of helpless

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