
The Effects Of Financial Stability And Economic Resources On The Quality Of Relationships Between Young Couples

Better Essays

Your Name: _Erin Sorenson_

In answering the questions below, do not lift words or copy exactly the sentences in the article. PARAPHRASE or use your own words to summarize the ideas from the article.

1. Reference or bibliographic entry of your selected article in APA style (see example in the first assignment guidelines):

Hardie, J., & Lucas, A. (2010). Economic Factors and Relationship Quality Among Young Couples:
Comparing Cohabitation and Marriage. Journal of Marriage and Family, 72(5), 1141-1154. Retrieved from

2. What are the aims and/or research questions of the study?

This study is examining the effect of financial stability/economic resources on the quality of …show more content…

The authors’ aim was to contribute to the literature on relationship quality through examination of different types of relationships, and the effect of economic resources on perceived relationship quality.

4. Describe the participants of the study. Since you are supposed to choose an article of a cross-cultural study on families, the participants for this study should have different cultural backgrounds. What are these cultural backgrounds? What are the demographics of the participants?

Although the study focuses on two main populations, cohabiting and married couples, there are very distinct trends amongst the members of each of the groups. Hardie and Lucas (2010) emphasize the correlation between cohabitation and low education levels, low socioeconomic status, young adults, divorcees, non-whites, and those more supportive of egalitarian gender roles. These traits are also commonly associated with ethnic minorities. The article also discusses the elevated levels of domestic violence in low income households attributing above average levels of abuse to economic hardship and distress. Since cohabiting couples are more likely to be culturally diverse, less educated, and financially insecure (often living in poverty) compared to married couples, they are more susceptible to fluctuation in the economy, and therefore more vulnerable to the effects of economic hardship

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