
The Effects Of Gunshot Residues On A Criminal Investigation

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Gunshot Residues are a critical and an important trace evidence used in a criminal investigation. Recovering and analyzing GSR evidence is carried out in order to link an individual to a certain firearm. Finding GSR on a person’s hand does not necessarily mean that he/she is the one that fired the weapon. At the same time not finding any GSR particles does not prove that that person was not the shooter. Gunshot Residues can easily be transferred to various surfaces not only by being in contact with a firearm, but also shaking a hand with a person that has handled a weapon or any other ammunition charged components. The formation of the GSR is due to the rapid cooling of the discharge gasses and solid matter, originating from partially reacted components of the primer and propellant, as well as the metallic composition of the firearm and ammunition. The residues can be easily deposited onto the hand of the shooter and later transferred to other parts of the body such as the skin, clothing and hair. Information taken from various reports and analysis throughout the years show us that GSR are deposited on the skin (hand) immediately after the firing. The highest chance of detecting a significantly good amount of residues is within the 1st hour of the incident. In practice after 6hours GSR cannot be expected from a living person. There are many reports on how Gunshot residues react with the skin, hands, clothes, as well as how to remove them. The important question is what

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