
The Effects Of Junk Food On Our Health

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Retaking Our Health Do you think it is crazy if your brain is controlled by junk food? The answer is no. That is a horrendous truth. “An animal study shows that 'Junk food rewires the brain’s reward pathways just as addictive drugs do’ ” (“Your Brain on Junk Food” 20). Although some people think taxing junk food is unnecessary. In the U.S, it should be taxed. Junk food brings health issue to Americans. Taxing junk food is a useful and necessary method to decrease people purchase junk food, also it can improve unhealthy school lunch problem for children. Overweight becomes a new disease in developed countries in recent years. It badly damaged human’s body. For instance, according to an article published by Science News, “More than one-third of people in the United States are already obese and another third are overweight. In one generation, obesity has gone for a medical and social issue to public health disaster” (Seppa 28-29). This research shows that overweight is a big issue already happen in the U.S. Junk food is one of the primary factors caused people get overweight. Not only junk food leads to people get obesity, but also brings another health issue for humans, especially for children. The fact that filling up on grease and caloric are two obvious characteristics of junk food. Surplus heat will accumulate in the body and caused overweight. Indeed,overweight is one of

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