
The Effects Of Media On Teen Pregnancy

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I came across an article that explains that the reality TV series “Teen Mom” and “16 and Pregnant” has spiked the rate of pregnant teens around 2006 and 2007 when the producers launched the first show 16 and pregnant. This lead to questioning if the hit TV show was affecting the young viewers sexual habits. Parents should enforce what their kids watch on TV, parents definitely have a say in what their underage kids can and can’t watch.
There is evidence that raises concerns on sexual behavior. There are ways to reduce the bad impact media can provide for young viewers. We can increase the benefits media can provide to help prevent teen pregnancy. There are ways to approach your child in the correct way so that they actually listen to the message you’re providing them with. Media doesn’t just talk about pregnancy and shows the glamourous side of being a teen mom. Media also has websites that explain ways to stay abstinent for instants is one that the MTV producers promote in the shows.
There are numerous reasons on why teens are not ready to be parents as I said before. Teenage girls are always so worried about their appearance that they might not be physically prepared to be pregnant. When a young woman gets pregnant they rarely get out of the house because of the way their body changes throughout the months. There are also some serious disadvantages in contrast of those who have teen parents. They lack of a father figure, because the parents are young and

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