
The Effects Of Media On Young Children, Teenagers, And Adults

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As far back as at least the 50s, there have been people outraged by violence in the media. Whether in video games, books, radio, music, or television, there is always someone or something to blame for the violence. Violence is everywhere in the media , there is no disagreeing with that. Whether it be movies, television, video games, or music, there will always be violence, but blaming it on movies, television, video games, or music is not the answer. If blame needs to be placed why are the parent of the children who choose to commit acts of violence not being blamed. It never seems to be the fault of the person who caused the violence, but rather, people look for a scapegoat to blame. Some would say the effects of media can be …show more content…

Not that television enjoyed its established limitations: as the decade progressed, the media produced more sex, violence, and high-tech creativity than ever before (Media in the 1960s & 1970s, n.d.). The environment in which children grow up, how they are disciplined, and who they spend time with are all factors that contribute to how they view and handle violence.” I don’t think we have enough science to suggest that playing video games causes violence in children any more than watching violence on TV,” says Ryan Hall, a psychiatrist at the University of Central Florida; “there is no indication now that violent video games are training killers” (Keim, n.d.) Yet sometimes people just refuse to except other thoughts or opinions but their own,

What media is considered violent depends on the time being discussed. In the 50s, television shows such as Batman and Robin and the music of Elvis Presley were believed to cause violence in children. In the 80s, it was videogames such as Donkey Kong, Super Mario Brothers, and Frogger, as well as Saturday morning cartoons. After all, there was a cat chasing a mouse in Tom and Jerry. Flash forward to current day, and games such as Resident Evil, Call of Duty, and Sleeping Dog tend to feature a lot of blood and gore. In fact, in 1950, the congressional House Interstate and Foreign Commerce subcommittee held hearings on violence in radio and television and its impact on

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