
The Effects Of Oppression In The Souls Of Black Masks

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The dynamic of oppressor and oppressed has been an issue for centuries, and a topic that has been written about for just as long. Many different authors offer insights into the physical and psychological damages this dynamic can have on both parties. Solutions are often offered in regards to what would be the most effective way to combat or cope against this type of social hierarchy. However, due to the passing of history and the continuation these degrading dynamics, many of these solutions can be deemed as too hopeful, too passive, or simply unachievable. Throughout The Souls of Black Folk by W.E.B DuBois, Black Skin, White Masks by Frantz Fanon, and For Two Thousand Years by Mihail Sebastian the issues and dynamics of oppression are addressed, and different coping methods and solutions are critiqued or praised, however all three novels mistakenly offer solutions that reject the idea of accountability on the oppressor's behalf. The understanding of this mistake can be seen in some of the authors later ideology shift towards a more radical state of mind in regards to the issue. In The Souls of Black Folk, one of the first consequences of oppression that DuBois sees as having lasting psychological effects on the black man/woman is the concept of “the veil”. This “veil” is a shadow that casts over the black man's life that forces him to view himself from the degrading perspective of white society, “It is a peculiar sensation, this double-consciousness, this sense of always

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