
The Effects Of Poverty On Families, And The Causes Of Poverty Essay

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Many of our nation’s families live under what is considered to be the national measurable line of poverty. Causes of poverty stem from a wide range of factors including, geographical location, education levels, and generational poverty. The effects of poverty can be detrimental to an individual’s psychological and physical health. In the following paper, we will examine the prevalence, impact, and causes related to families that live in poverty. The purpose of this paper is to examine the prevalence of poverty in families, the effect poverty has on families, and the causes of poverty. Many of our nation’s families live under what is considered to be the national measurable line of poverty. Causes of poverty stem from a wide range of factors including, geographical location, education levels, and generational poverty. The effects of poverty can be detrimental to an individual’s psychological and physical health. Poverty is one of the greatest social issues our society faces today. According to the 2015 census the official U.S. poverty rate was, 13.5%, which totals 43.1 million people living in poverty (U.S. Census Bureau, 2016). The Panel Study of Income Dynamics is the longest running panel data set in the United States. It was conducted annually until 1997, at which time it began being conducted biennially, the study is nationally representative of the U.S. nonimmigrant population. The study’s results indicate that six out of ten Americans will encounter at least one

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