
The Effects Of Poverty On The Development Of Emotional Problems Essay

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The correlation between poverty and mental illness has been shown through numerous studies dating back to the 1930s, but the nature of the relationship is complex and not fully understood (Kuruvill, et. al., 2007). The mentally ill are at an increased risk of becoming and staying poor; conversely, the impoverished are at a greater risk of becoming mentally ill. In fact, the poor are twice as likely to have a common mental disorder (WHO, n.d.). This paper will consider the effects of poverty on the development of emotional problems and how the mentally ill can slide into poverty. Lastly, the paper will analyze the effectiveness of social policies designed to deal with mental illness and poverty and make recommendations for improvement. Poverty can have a substantial impact on both mental and physical wellbeing. People with low socioeconomic status have stressful lives that can be plagued with poor physical health and malnutrition. Low wages, lack of savings, lack of food security, crowded housing, unemployment or underemployment can lead to a limited sense of personal control, hopelessness and inferiority. The impoverished also have a higher incidence of depression (Sue, et. al., 2016). People in low-income communities are more likely to be exposed to violence and other traumas, furthering the cyclical nature of poverty, trauma, and mental illness (McSilver, n.a.). According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), “the rate of adults

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