
Sexual Assault And Rape Essay

Decent Essays

There are many short and long term effects of sexual assault and rape that affect the mind, body, and spirit. Many survivors experience one or more of these effects and they are not mutually exclusive. Many people who go through traumatic events may find thats it can take some time to re-adjust and cope for a period of time after the event. The residual mental, physical and spiritual effect of sexual assault and rape can permeate the daily lives of survivors,which makes it difficult to heal. For some, there are severe effects in the immediate aftermath of an assault that may not last. For others, the effects of sexual assault or rape comes in waves and are not felt until the shock of the event wears off. With time spent healing, developing strong positive coping skills and taking care of their self. Coping with the effect of sexual assault and rape can be overwhelming. Some survivors may engage in substance abuse and drugs or alcohol to help them cope with their overwhelming feelings. A survivors control and sense of safety security have been taken away by the perpetrator, engaging in these selves- injurious behaviors can also bring a sense of control over a person’s environment and serve harm or death. These coping strategies may seem to bring immediate relief. The feeling is only temporary and these behaviors can lead to more challenges in the future. It’s common for a survivor of sexual assault or rape to experience feelings that may be confusing such as: anger, distrust

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