
The Effects Of Sleep And Stress On Children

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Stressed, Tired, Overworked- The Average Teenage Student Almost every student strives to get an “A,” but does this have adverse effects on their health? Two preeminent sources of these effects can easily be observed when evaluating the lives of teenage students: sleep and stress. Insufficient sleep regularly leads to an excess of stress while, similarly, and excess of stress can lead to insufficient sleep. The two seemingly interwoven occurrences have both been proven to effect both physical and mental health negatively. The American Psychological Association reports, from studies done in 2013, that “teens who sleep fewer than eight hours per school night, many say their stress level has increased over the past year (42 percent), compared with 23 percent of teens who sleep at least eight hours per school night” (“Stress and Sleep”). From this statistical data, it can be inferred that stress level and amount of sleep have an impact, generally adversely.
A simple, yet common excuse it that teenagers are just teenagers which choose to go to bed later and, therefore, cause their own stress, but the reality is that this is not entirely true. Studies show that the biological sleeping patterns of teenagers shifts towards later times; not being able to fall asleep until after 11:00 p.m. is biologically normal for adolescence (“Teens and Sleep”). Adolescents are not entirely at fault; their biological clocks are simply “misguided.” Mary Alvord, a clinic psychologist, once said “A

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