
The Effects of Hansen’s Erp Technology Changes on Both Production and Non-Production Functions of the Business, and How the Production and Non-Production Effects Are Related to Each Other

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TRIDENT UNIVERSITY MODULE 1 CASE ASSIGNMENT ITM436 Operations Mgmt and Operations Systems 17 June 2012 In this paper I will attempt to discuss the ERP technology changes made by Hansen to both production and non-production functions of their business. I will also discuss how production and non-production effects are related to each other. The Hansen Company was created in the 1950’s by Bert and Dawn Hansen who were building their home and created reliable toilet valve in the process. They began manufacturing the valves in their garage and shipping them around the country by railway. Since then they have grown in to the leading manufacturer of polythene pipe fittings, threaded pipe fittings and high flow foot and check valves. Today …show more content…

Axapta provided a good fit for the company’s requirements, particularly production scheduling. “Microsoft Dynamics AX was originally developed as collaboration between IBM and Damgaard as IBM Axapta and was then ultimately acquired by the Microsoft Corporation.” [ (Wikipedia, 2012) ] The dedicated project team comprised of Carl Hansen, managing director, Hanham, Vaughan Woodgate from Network Management (Hansen’s outsourced IT infrastructure partner) and Cox worked for six months to implement the company’s new system. They introduced the changes in two phases, first by over hauling the financials and inventory and then the manufacturing portion of the business. These changes on both production and non-production functions of the business had a great impact on Hansen. Axapta has produced considerable efficiencies within Hansen’s production processes, delivering streamlined production planning and scheduling. It also made it possible for the expansion into the Canadian market by allowing them to forecast the company needs to successfully manage continued growth. The ERP software enabled Hansen to provide more accurate information to customers about their order which resulted in a boost in customer service and satisfaction. One example is that when a customer places an order the system sends them an e-mail confirming the purchase and additional e-mails when it is shipped, who will deliver it and when exactly it will arrive. It

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