
The Effects of Weight Loss Advertising Essay

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All women desire beauty. As myriads of women seek a perfect body shape and attractiveness, they will have interest in having weight loss treatment. In fact, losing weight has come into a vogue. People, especially female, do not take their weight into serious account but follow the others blindly and participate in weight loss programmes. Patently, the main culprit of this phenomenon is the omnipresent weight loss advertisements. The slimming companies use advertising as a tool to inculcate the concept that being thin is equal to beauty into people’ minds. The repetitive weight loss advertisements seem to be successful in conveying the wrong message to every citizen. Some girls who are of tender age may easily be susceptible to the …show more content…

It is unwise of women to lose their weight blindly in an effort to be thin as this may cause different illnesses such as headache or stomachache to them. As a matter of fact, women should try to be slim rather than being thin as slimness is the mix of beauty and healthy. Besides, beauty is subjective to everyone’s mind. Therefore, we should not be affected by the others easily. We should have confidence over ourselves.

Another adverse effect the weight loss advertising has caused is creating an atmosphere of losing weight for women and coercing them into losing their weight. As the weight loss advertisements are omnipresent, it is impossible for people to avoid seeing it. Women will see it through television, internet or even newspaper. The advertisements repeatedly say that fat is undesirable and persuades women to lose their weight in order to be charming. Every day, women are exposed to those advertisements. Their minds are soaked with losing weight this concept gradually. After a certain period, some women will yield to the weight loss advertising and go to try the treatment. They want to be the person promoted in the advertisements. They want to receive the acclaim from the others. Under these circumstances, they fall victim into the brainwashing advertisements. Moreover, being exposed to the advertisements every day, women cannot analyze their bodies rationally as they are affected by those advertisements to a great

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