
The Electoral College : Debate Reflection On The Electoral College

Decent Essays

The Electoral College: Debate Reflection I was assigned to focus on the topic about the electoral college. By this, I had to research on whether or not the United States actually needed the electoral college for presidential elections. But, asides from the research, I had already known that we choose our electors by using the popular vote, and those electors vote for a candidate to become our next president. We let our voices be heard within 538 people. However, after I researched more in-depth about this topic, I learned that the electoral college had an imbalance amongst the states, based on population differences and swing states, yet it may still hold the country undivided, considering that without the electoral college, we would get into more arguments and be more divided between states, since our society is very diverse with different opinions. I, personally, believe that the use of the electoral college is beneficial to American society, as even though the system itself has some flaws, without the electoral college, we would not have the need of federalism, since there would be a greater imbalance of votes, due to the populations of each state. Also, there has not been any evidence that actually proves that there is a better way to elect a president. All the evidence that states that we should use the popular vote instead, etc, all have their own flaws in them. There is no guarantee of a perfect system to elect the president. Thus, we should just stick with

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