
The Elephant Vanishes by Murakami

Decent Essays

I hadn’t read any book by Murakami before reading The Elephant Vanishes. With this said I knew that in opening my mind to his, I’d be introduced to new ideas, thoughts, and opinions. Keeping in mind that The Elephant Vanishes has been translated from the originally stocked Japanese, instead of addressing language, it would be more interesting to review characters, themes/motifs/plots, and realism.

Many would argue that a story cannot exist while not made with human characters. The characters Murakami selects reveal his interest in humanity’s deepest secrets.. Most of his stories are told with a robust interior driven person teller, however every story boasts a singular, fascinating teller. The challenge of developing characters, each as person teller and therefore the characters with whom the author surrounds the teller, is one among the nice challenges of story-writing, his characters would be a perfect example to prove Murakami’s creative thinking. What sets Murakami apart in his development of fascinating characters is that he doesn’t set to the story-lines or realism to try to to the work. He turns the attention on his characters and really examines them – their motivations, their wishes, their fears, their inadequate feelings – and their humanity.

Along with folks, Murakami’s sharp attack existence populates his stories’ pages. The strangeness or magic aside, the conditions Murakami explores through the lenses of his narrators give those of straightforward

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