
The Emperor's New Clothes Essay

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Hans Christian Andersen’s fable, “The Emperor’s New Clothes” is a prophetic warning for our generation. He understood 200 years ago how dangerous the contradiction of beliefs may be. In order to have justice we need truth. Justice, in society today is presented as seemingly the most important value, a cornerstone of civilization. At the same time people have stopped believing in absolute truth. In the story, the townspeople decide whether or not they “see” the emperor’s clothes, just like society attempts to change the understanding of truth from objective to a relative one, based on individual point of view. The tailors in the fable convince the town that only the wise are able to see the “magic clothes.” In so doing they are dictating the …show more content…

This dramatic change was achieved by a carefully designed campaign using courts, media, and a web of lies to change public opinion. Nowadays the bubble zones around abortion clinics prevent pro-life counselors from informing parents about the dangers of abortion. At the same time, secular media mostly ignores pro-life awareness projects, and presents an exclusively biased pro-abortion point of view. The many lies about abortion are created to convince everyone that the procedure is completely harmless, normal, and should be accepted as a basic human right. “Pro-choice” activists promote abortion as an insignificant surgical procedure contrary to established scientific facts. Health risks include hemorrhage, infections, a higher risk of breast cancer and even death. Abortion not only harms the woman physically, but can also have a lifelong emotional and mental fallout on the whole family. In masking evil as good, society distorts the truth in the abortion debate, and since truth is a requirement for justice, we need to reveal it. When the Emperor struts through town with no clothes on, he is still praised by the townspeople, even though he is naked. In the same way, the promoted “politically correct” view approves and supports abortion as inconspicuously named woman’s right to

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