
The End Of The War

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In Autumn of 1918 it all started, desertion rates were dramatically rising in the German army, civil strikes reduced German war, protection, this was the beginning of the end of the war. While the German army was slowly collapsing the Americans found their perfect chance to vitally strike the German army. The Americans then launched the essential Hundred Day Offensive which was the concluding offensive period of the war. The Hundred Day Offense that vitally pushed Germany out of France, therefore, forcing them to retreat beyond the Hindenburg Line. The “Hindenburg Line” was the allied term for the German Siegfriedstellung that was built during the winter of 1916 - 1917 and was a German defense position on the eastern front. Once the Germans retreated to the Hindenburg line the Americans carried out a 56-hour bombardment followed by the breach of the almost defunct Hindenburg Line. This war the end of war? After all of this, one of the most important and grueling treaty with Germany was signed.

After war soon came bargaining of a treaty meant to end all wars. The bargaining started early 1919’s and was completed in April. The treaty of Versailles was divided into 15 sections including the covenant League of Nations being one of the most important and controversial sections of the treaty. Approximately a month after bargaining was over the Treaty of Versailles was presented to Germany for “consideration”. Germany was given 3 weeks to accept. If not accepted war

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