
Essay on The Environmental Health Problem and Proposed Solutions

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Environmental Health Problem
Air pollution affects all living things on earth—from plants to animals to humans. Air pollution is something society has been facing since the Industrial Revolution. China, in particular, has been facing increasing amounts of pollution; being ranked among the top three most polluted countries in the world. China emits tons of toxins resulting from man-made production into the air and water every day. China’s levels of pollution are so high that the pollution reaches the United States within six days, which creates a significant amount of pollution for the West Coast. The export industry in China is responsible for the excessive amounts of pollution that is traveling across the Pacific Ocean and contributing …show more content…

This means higher health risks to the cardiovascular system, cerebrovascular system and an increase in the probability of cancer and premature death” (Greenpeace, 2014). Large populations and urbanization, as shown by China, can cause negative effects on the environment as well as the health of the people in an area.

How to Solve the Environmental Health Problem

While China’s economy has improved, the environmental conditions have worsened. Although things may seem bleak for China, there are simple solutions that can aid the country in revamping its norm. China can make a transition from utilizing coal, which includes fossil fuels, and begin using renewable energy. Another important approach for China to recuperate can only occur with the help of the government. The Chinese government must acknowledge the negative effects of pollution on public health. They must recognize the undesirable consequences of the smog from factories and begin to place more regulations on power plant emissions. The government can also begin to import electric vehicles, which will demonstrate cleaner fuel standards. This will allow people to continue to drive their cars, without the fear of harmful emissions being freed into the air. This can go hand-in-hand with a plan to increase green spaces throughout the country and improve urban planning so that urbanization

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