
The Epidemic Of Childhood Obesity Essay

Decent Essays

The Epidemic of Childhood Obesity Childhood obesity continues to increase substantially each generation, especially here in the United States. Today, children have become more lazy while eating unhealthy and in excess. This trend ultimately results in increased healthcare problems throughout their life. Childhood obesity has increased because children eat in excess, they are allowed to eat food which is unhealthy, they lack the exercise needed to maintain a healthy weight, and are permitted by family to become and remain obese. In the past, children lived in more rural settings. They were required to contribute to their family’s household work in addition to attending school. The local towns consisted of few shops and usually only one grocery store. This grocery store would offer limited food supplies and the families purchased only the necessary groceries. The remaining items needed were farm raised or traded with neighbors. Children ate home-cooked meals prepared by their mothers as they did not work outside the home. A gradual shift has led us to the modern family we witness on a daily basis today. The settings of these typical families have transitioned from rural to cities. These families have children who are raised by dual working parents, single parents, and even grandparents. Our modern day society is extremely fast paced and demanding. This leaves many parents struggling with finances and working more while spending less time at home.

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