
The Ethics Of International Organizations

Decent Essays

Joseph “Sepp” Blatter has been in charge of overseeing soccer’s governing body FIFA (Fédération Internationale de Football Association) since 1998. Blatter, as well as other FIFA executives, have been at the forefront of FIFA’s recent scandal surrounding the allegations of bribery of votes for the World Cup bids of 2018 and 2022 (Russia and Qatar respectively). Despite Sepp Blatter’s claims that the FIFA organization has weathered the storm of controversy and is in calm waters, there is still more controversy surrounding FIFA and how they operate as an organization.
The accountability of FIFA matters on many fronts.
“Accountability of FIFA matters for the authority of the sport, the business of soccer, and to the larger issue of the accountability of international organizations. Historically, sports do generally, and soccer more specifically, bring people and nations together in a way not seen really in any other area of global society. While soccer itself is not fundamentally a ‘‘big business’’ in economic terms, soccer does have effects for being a big business, particularly in the area of the periodic decisions associated with hosting the World Cup. These decisions are often tied to large programs of government investments in infrastructure, television rights and sponsorship deals.” (Pielke, 2012).
This paper is written in seeking the one of many questions every soccer fan around the world are asking, “What steps or actions need to be taken in order to hold FIFA

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