
The European Witch Hunts In The Inquisition And The Hammer Of Witches

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Out in Europe, there are some witch hunts going on. These hunts are known as The European Witch Hunts. This all started back in the 13th century, when two men, Jakob Sprenger and Heinrich Kramer wrote a book that was called “Malleus Maleficarum, that is, The Hammer of Witches. This book caused the worries of witchcraft and got witch hunts started. In the article “The Inquisition and The Hammer of Witches” the text says “ Both Catholics and Protestants accepted it as the authority on witchcraft. The work contained imaginative stories about witches based on folklore, presented theological and legal arguments against witchcraft, and provided guidelines on how to identify and eliminate witches. The Hammer of Witches has been described as “the most vicious and . . . the most damaging book in all of world literature.” (The European Witch Hunts) This book caused huge witch hunts to break out in Europe. To identify people that were accused of being a witch the article says “Some suspects were bound and put into a “blessed” body of cold water. If they sank, they were deemed innocent and pulled out. If they floated, they were considered witches and executed on the spot or handed over to be tried. Other suspects were weighed because it was thought that witches had little or no weight.” they also would check suspects for a “devils marking” If the markings didn’t hurt or bleed when they were pricked, they were considered marks from satan. These were just a couple ways that people

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