
The Events Of World War I

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Certain aspects of German society following the events of World War I became radically unstable. Such instability from 1918 to 1923, led to a series of economical, political and social crises, which would drastically change the country. Certain parts of the country were highly progressive, while other parts remained true to right wing beliefs, and as a result, coexistence proved to be too difficult. While Germany was having its own civil issues stemming from internal unrest, outside factors would also greatly influenced the crises which would call into question the future of Germany. Although one single issue cannot be determined as the sole cause of the crises, the major influences which factored into the upending of German society can be …show more content…

The result of so much fighting had left a significant gap in the workforce, as half of the agricultural force was occupied with battling. The labor shortage had began to disturb the economy, however, to make up for the lack of men working, women flooded the factories. According to Bernd Widding, “By 1917, over 700,000 women worked in the engineering, metallurgical, iron and steel, chemical and mining industries, six times more than in 1913.” Nevertheless, such a drastic change left many men upset, as they did not want the women to become a permanent part of the workforce. A trend towards empowering women would continue, as the first national election in 1919 would lead to a new progressive government. The new government would push for modernistic ideas, which would allow for women to vote, as well as hold office. Various other social changes took place, as Weimar became the first welfare state. Such changes, however, were not accepted by everyone. While areas such as Berlin flourished with diversity and modernity, other areas of the country were swarming with right wing, old military members. As Eric Weitz stated, “The capital city was the symbol and pacesetter. For the rest of Germany it was too far in front. It was a magnet that attracted ambitious and talent people from all over the country and beyond, but also inspired dread and loathing. Yet it mirrored Weimar Germany in one, absolutely essential fashion: no single group, no individual, could claim

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