
The Evolution Of Punishment And Its Effect On Society

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The evolution of punishment has come a long way in Canada from Confederation in the 1800’s to present day 21st century. Research has been going on continuously to identify whether these punishments are based on a person’s behaviour or on society itself. The word punishment is referred to as a penalty inflicted on an offender through judicial procedure ("Punishment | Definition of Punishment by Merriam-Webster"). In today’s society does the punishment equivalent to the crime committed by an offender? Therefore, how much punishment should one receive based on their offence? It is a conflicting matter that has brought the government and the public into speculation on the judicial system from time to time. Punishment is a philosophy, which states many years back when someone was seen committing wrongdoings they were punished by cutting off their heads or hanging them.
During the evolution it used to be an eye for an eye, if you killed me, I went after your family as revenge. The days have changed, where now they have introduced the Canadian Bill of laws, to help with the punishment of offenders. Now capital punishment is punishments that result in death penalties for people who have committed capital crimes, and offences. It is viewed around the world as something different. For example, in certain parts of the world people do not believe in punishment, whereby in some parts they do believe and take very extreme measures. In parts of the world such as India,

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