
The Exodus Of The Old Testament

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Exodus is the earliest text in the Old Testament that creates a new identity and sense of community to a group of people who had nothing. According to the Exodus there were a group of slaves who fled Egypt and where led by a prophet named Moses, who also is the proclaimed author of the book. These people where on a mission to find the promise land where they can be free from oppression and create their own civilization. These claims are true are still debated to this day, but the text was written around the 1400 B.C. Moses intentions for Exodus were to set laws for his new community to a group of people who had only knew lives as slaves. In chapter 21 of Exodus there are a set of laws for the new community that pander to push away their old lives to create a new identity in which men can be equal with one another. The second verse within chapter 21 states, “if thou buy an Hebrew servant, six years he shall serve: and in the seventh he shall go out free for nothing” (“Exodus”, 21, 2). Immediately the author set a law that if there are slaves then they must be released within six years, which creates hope for potential slaves. Before Moses led the his followers out of Egypt there was no prospect of any of them being set free from their lives as slaves. This law helps create a new community that will release their male slaves. During this era men were dominant while women are treated as property and evidence can be found in Exodus of this inequality. “If his master have given

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