
The Expansion Of The Roman Empire

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From 1000 to 1300 western Europe went through political and economic reorganization. There was no revival of central imperial authority in western Europe, even though there was an establishment of the Holy Roman Empire. Agricultural improvements brought increased food supplies, which encouraged urbanization, manufacturing, and trade. In the high middle ages, Roman Catholic Christianity was the cultural foundation of European society. The church advanced educational institutions such as cathedral schools and universities. Between 1000 and 1300, western European peoples strengthened their own society. There was an establishment of regional states, an economic growth and social development, European Christianity during the Middle Ages, and medieval expansion in Europe. By the mid-tenth century, Otto of Saxony had established himself as king of northern Germany. He campaigned in lands east of the Elbe River known as now eastern Germany, western Poland, and the Czech Republic. In appreciation of his aid in the church, Pope John XII proclaimed Otto emperor in 962 C.E. Emperors and popes argued over their conflicting interests in Italy and over the appointment of church officials. There were regional monarchies in France and England. When the last of Carolingians died, the lords of France elected a minor noble named Hugh Capet to serve as king. Capet held only a small territory around Paris. The English monarchy had a different development. The founders were Normans, which were

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