
The Factors And Roles Of The Stanford Prison Experiment

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Not everything goes according to plan. At Stanford University, an experiment was conducted by a psychology professor, infamously known as the Stanford prison experiment. The research was based and held in a prison setting with 24 recruited individuals who were then appointed as either inmates or guards, the operation was planned for two-weeks as well as rules that were meant to be followed. What would be the fundamental purpose of experimenting with this, why did the head researcher want to conduct this experiment, how did the use affect the outcome? Why would someone run an experiment like this? The purpose was to “understand the development of norms and the effects of roles, labels, and social expectations in a simulated prison environment” (Zimbardo, 1971). With the exercise, the researchers were able to investigate how realistic the 24 individuals fit into their roles. With the participants ‘playing’ into their roles it would hopefully demonstrate a specific analysis of the situation, as well as the difficulties and hardships between guards and prisoners within United States Navy and the United States Marine Corps (Zimbardo,1971). With the funding of the experiment coming from the U.S. Office of Naval Research, the participants were paid $15 per day. The money compensation gave the individuals a reason to take this experiment seriously because back at that time $15 would approximately be $90 in 2017. (Banks,1973). Although the experiment had multiple fundamental

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