
What Was The Main Cause Of The Crimean War

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The Crimean war, lasting from October of 1853 to February of 1856, was a major conflict fought primarily between the Russians, the British, the French, and the Ottoman-Turks. The Russians fought by themselves, while the other great powers formed the allies during the war. Following the end of the Napoleonic Wars, great powers in the area gathered to restore order in the European state system. After the Napoleonic Wars, the Congress of Vienna came together in order to resize and balance out forces of the main powers so they could remain at peace (Wikipedia “Napoleonic Wars”). The gathering of these great powers ended in the creation of the Treaty of Vienna in 1815, also called the Vienna Settlement. The Treaty of Vienna, made when the Congress of Vienna came together, was created to keep the peace between major and minor forces by balancing the power of territories based on size. It ensured that large territories didn’t have too much power and small territories had just enough power. The settlement was based off of the idea that monarchies were more stable than republics and would keep the peace for much longer. In the end, the Treaty of Vienna failed primarily because of the weaknesses that were forming in the Ottoman-Turkish Empire and the opportunities those weaknesses provided for European interference. The major causes of the Crimean war include the disagreement over who the ruler of Orthodox Christians should be, that ruler’s control over the holy land, and Russia’s

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