
The Fairy Tales : How Children Can Use Their Minds

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In a child’s early life, hearing and reading fairy tales are extremely important aspects of expanding their imagination. In these fairy tales, children can use their minds to paint a picture and create a reality that only their eyes can see. It is said the “original” fairy tales, like those from the Brothers Grimm, were too explicit for a child’s mind, and that a “happier” fairy tale would do the job better. It is also said that these fairy tales are appropriate because they display honest and real life situations. Although the “original” fairy tales were great and legendary in their time, children today should not be exposed to darker fairy tales at an early age, and instead should be exposed to the more “sanitized” fairy tales because they are healthy for children’s mind, they allow the children to maintain their innocence, and they are entertaining while teaching a lesson without instilling fear and scaring them. Fairy Tales are considerably healthy for a child’s mind/imagination. They cause the mind to go off into a place where the child is actually with the characters, and not just reading about them. Having and creating a healthy mind involves several aspects. One should not expect their child to gain anything positive from a violent and evil fairy tale, except fear. Fear will not teach the child how to deal with or handle their problems. A contemporary fairy tale will teach them how to deal with their problems without scaring the children that. English writer G.K

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