
The Fault In Our Stars Literary Analysis

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The Fault in Our Stars literary analysis In The Fault in Our Stars,John Green, the author, uses many literary devices to enchant his novel. The book contains a plethora of allusions, some of which only exist within the FiOS universe. Other allusions, such as the many references to pop culture and famous poetry, are based in reality. Another literary tool that the author makes use of is symbolism, which appears often in the novel, but it is used tastefully. A very important element seen throughout the novel is diction, but you will find that it changes drastically depending on who is speaking. Allusion are often used in literature to hint or reference a famous work or person. A well known user of allusion is Shakespeare, who alludes to major …show more content…

During the FiOS, the characters communicate in a variety of different diction that ranges from a highly educated man to children. The first use of a different style of diction being used was when Hazel mentioned hamartia. Hazel saw Gus smoking and said, ' “ But of course there is always a hamartia...”(Green 19.) I imagine most people today wouldn't know what hamartia means (It means fatal flaw.), so diction is used because Green chose this word for emphasis. Another use of diction that I found interesting was Peter Van Hooten's dialogue. In his email to Gus, he speaks in an eccentric way, “Given the entertainment bacchanalia at the disposal of young men and women of your generation, I am grateful to anyone anywhere who sets aside the time to tell me that the book...”(Green 64.) As Van Hooten's dialogue shows, he speaks in a very sophisticated, philosophical tone, and I think that the author intended for Van Hooten to appear as an elite, and educated man. In conclusion, John Green uses varying literary devices in the FiOS so that the book seems real. He alludes to famous poetry multiple times, and even mentions pop-culture such as movies and fast-food chains. He weaves symbolical meaning into his novel as a weaver does with a loom, but leaves its meaning subtle so that the reader can interpret his/her own

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