
The Female Nude On The Film Fifty Shades Of Grey

Decent Essays

The Female Nude in Fifty Shades of Grey
This essay will be an analysis of the Female Nude in the film Fifty Shades of Grey. The female nude is one of the topics that has been covered and this essay will be a discussion of the female character Anastasia and how her representation has been portrayed in the film. There are a number of nudity scenes in Fifty Shades of Grey and this involves anyone that is naked or typically wearing less clothes. There will also be references to the female body in the essay and how it has been portrayed in films.
The female body is generally portrayed in a negative way. In most films, the female character is represented as being weak and vulnerable, they are only there to be looked at by the audience. Anastasia is the female protagonist in the film, she lacks of confidence in her own appearance. There is a sense of insecurity and she hasn’t realised her own natural beauty. Anastasia is a small young woman with a slim beautiful figure. There are only glimpses of Anastasia’s body and this is known as Partial nudity which is parts of her body covered up in some manner, it refers to the exposure of her skin in different places. This kind of nudity is used in many scenes in the film and it refers to the exposure of Anastasia breasts and other parts of her body. The films erotic nature means that there a number of scenes with certain parts of Anastasia body that has been exposed. Throughout the film, there is a lot of attention towards her curves and

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